Immersive Visualization

Welcome to the immersive visualization team at Linköping University!


Highlighted project


Adam Rohdin, Alexander Bock, Andreas Engberg, Emma Broman, Malin Ejdbo, Ylva Selling

OpenSpace is an open-source interactive data visualization software designed to visualize the entire known universe and portray our ongoing efforts to investigate the cosmos. Bringing the latest techniques from data visualization research to the general public, OpenSpace supports interactive presentation of dynamic data from observations, simulations, and space mission planning and operations.

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About ImmVis

The Immersive Visualization group is conducting research and development in a range of technologies to create an immersive and engaging visualization of data.

The visualization of data is created with the help of large scale display systems, such as domes and stereoscopic viewing (3D), also including technologies such as Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR/VR).

Part of the group is also C-tech, with technical director Erik Sundén, providing technical support and maintenance of the dome and related equipment and systems at Norrköping Visualization Center C.

Our vision is to create systems and software that enable the user to feel immersed and deeply engaged with their content regardless of the type of devices or display system and interaction techniques being used.

The goal is to make the technology as transparent as possible such that the user maintains focused on and work with their content and to minimize distracting factors of the technologies, hardware as well as software. It should feel as natural as possible to continue to work with the data and content even though the user change devices or systems for visualization.