Research engineer, PhD student
Emma Broman
Emma Broman is a research engineer and PhD student working mainly with projects within astrovisualization and the development of the open-source software OpenSpace. She graduated from Linköping University with a Master's degree in Media Technology and Engineering in 2020.
Research Interests
Software development, computer graphics, astronomy visualization, game development, usability and human-computer interaction
2013 — ongoing
OpenSpace is an open-source interactive data visualization software designed to visualize the entire known universe and portray our ongoing efforts to investigate the cosmos. Bringing the latest techniques from data visualization research to the general public, OpenSpace supports interactive presentation of dynamic data from observations, simulations, and space mission planning and operations.
ExoplanetExplorer in OpenSpace
2021 — ongoing
Interactive Contextualized Exploration of Exoplanet Data for Experts
ExoplanetExplorer: Contextual Visualization of Exoplanet Systems
E. Broman, J. Faherty, L. Kreidberg, S. Zieba, C. Hansen, A. Ynnerman, A. Bock
IEEE Vis, 2023