
Stitcher Tool






Tool for stitching together images into fisheye frames

Download the tool


Using the stitcher

Start by opening Stitcher_GUI.exe. There are only a few settings that you have to adjust for the basic setup.


Set the cubemap resolution to the size of your images. If you are rendering for full dome size, your images should be 4096x4096. Your output resolution should be twice that of the input resolution, so 8192x8192 given our example.


If you have rendered in stereo you should check Stereoscopic (3D) input. This will turn on image input for the right eye as well.

Image input

Click the ... next to Left/Right/Top/Bottom to add a link to each corresponding folder with image frames. Make the selection by selecting the first image in each folder. You should see the stop index adjusting automatically to the last image index when selecting the first image. If you have selected stereo, do the same for the right eye.


Filename is the name that your fisheye frames will have. Set the path to your desired folder. If you are using stereo it is probably a good idea to divide the folders as such: /myPath/Left and /myPath/Right.