Technology Manager

Erik Sundén

Kungsgatan 54, Room G406, Norrköping

Technology Manager at Norrköping Visualization Center C, and a researcher and developer in immersive visualization.


As a Technology Manager at Norrköping Visualization Center C, Erik Sundén has overall responsibility for the installation, operation and maintenance of the technical infrastructure in the visualization environments, especially the dome theater and other environments focusing on virtual reality in the center. He is responsible for the C-Tech group, which consists of technical engineers and researchers who, among other things, conducts on-call technical support for the center.

Erik is also an active developer on most projects using the environments, and manages/engages in the development of open-source tools to make it easier for anyone to use the technologically advanced environments, with primary focus on real-time applications. He conducts various productions and research projects in the field of immersive visualization, with the aim of lifting the center's range of applications and enhance the inspiration of visualization and science for the center's visitors.

Erik has a M.S. degree in Media Technology from Linköping University since 2010.




Hybrid Data Visualization Based On Depth Complexity Histogram Analysis

S. Lindholm, M. Falk, E. Sundén, A. Bock, A. Ynnerman, T. Ropinski

Computer Graphics Forum, 2015



Interaction Techniques as a Communication Channel when Presenting 3D Visualizations

E. Sundén, A. Bock, D. Jönsson, A. Ynnerman, T. Ropinski

IEEE VIS International Workshop on 3DVis, 2014



Coherency-Based Curve Compression for High-Order Finite Element Model Visualization

A. Bock, E. Sundén, L. Bingchen, B. Wuensche, T. Ropinski

IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2012
